Monday, February 14, 2011

The Last Olympian, by Rick Riordan 318 pg.

I read the book The Last Olympian, by Rick Riordan.  I finished this book on February 12, 2010.  This book is about Percy Jackson and the Olympian in the last battle for life.

What I liked about this book is that in the end all of the gods come together to fight.  I think that that is a good ending, not only for the end of the book but also for the end of the series.  In all of the book the gods would disagree and think of them selfs better than others.  But in the end they all have to work together to defeat the enemy.  I think that it wraps up the story well.

  The Last Olympian is a funny, lots of wars, and you fall into love with the characters.  I would definitely recommend this book to other people.   

Nate Saint, by Janet and Geoff Benge 200 pg.

I read Nate Saint by Janet and Geoff Benge. The class finished this book on January, 2010. This book is about Nate Saint and his life as a missionary.

One thing that really stood out to me was how Nate Saint used his life.  In stead of taking the safe way of life, Nate took the risky way.  For instance, Nate went to the army when he could have stayed in his safe job.  Nate also went into dangerous Auca territory to tell them about the Lord.  When the Auca's attacked, Nate and his friends didn't fight back because they had promised that they would not kill any of the Auca's because they did not know the the Lord.  That is showing lots of courage.

Nate Saint was a outstanding person and he was very strong in his faith.  I had a fun time reading about his life and I would definitely recommend this book to others.   

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Harry Potter and the deathly hallows, by J.K. Rowling 759 pg.

I read Harry Potter and the deathly hallows, by J.K. Rowling. I finished this book on January, 2010.  This book is about Harry's last year that we would be at Hogwarts and how he defeats Voldemort.

I liked this book because it does not go on and on with unneeded information. You are wandering what is going to happen.  It always has you hooked.  In my own writing I always go no and on and my books are only three pages long!  It is like J.K. Rowling catches your interest and she does not let go until you finish the book.

I enjoyed reading this book.  I would defiantly recommend Harry Potter and the deathly hallows to other people. 

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling 652 pg.

 I read Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling.  I finished this book on December 28, 2010.  This book is about Harry Potter's 6th year at Hogwarts school and all the ups and downs in his life.

One thing that surprised me in Harry Potter is that he took away one of the main charters, Albus Dumbledore (the head master of Hogwarts).  In all of the books up to the sixth book, Dumbledore would explain every thing that happened in the book to Harry.  At the end of book six, Dumbledore dies, leaving Harry to find  things out for himself.  I think that it is a good set up for the next book because it makes things harder for Harry to figure things out with out Dumbledore telling him out it.

I really liked  Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling.  It full of adventure, mysteries, fights, and love.  I would defiant recommend this book to other people.